academy for corporate entrepreneurship
branding | style guiding | ux/ui design | editorial | iconography

Academy for Corporate Entrepreneurship is a company that focuses on developing Intrapreneurs (Startup-like teams) inside Fortune500’s, through workshops using printed and online materials.
I developed the branding around their existing logo, created a color pallet that allowed us to organize the levels in the workbook in a way that was clear for users to know which level they were on, among other materials such as boxes, interactive posters, interactive PDFs, stickers, stationery, iconography, social media templates, pitch decks, brochure, invoice, as well as the visuals for the website and online course.
- branding
- color pallet
- style guide
- iconography
- website [ux/ui]
- brochure
- pitch deck
- social media templates
- box
- posters
- workbook
- stickers
- business cards
- invoice
- interactive pdf